Juicy Juicebox Yoni is a wonderful brand that carries a luxurious, healthy, and sensational experience for your mind, body and soul and most importantly the VAGINA!
Juicy Juicebox Yoni is a safe place for your vagina with over 8 safe pH balancing products that keep the vagina Juicy, Sweet, Clean, Tight and Right.
I started this business in the middle of The COVID-19 Pandemic. Being that I was not able to maintain my self care and womb healing needs , I created this brand that specializes in the Yoni health for all women all shapes, sizes, cultures and ethnicity.Juicy Juice box Yoni is a wonderful brand that carries a luxurious, healthy, and sensational experience for your mind, body and soul and most importantly the VAGINA!
Juicy Juicebox Yoni is a safe place for your vagina with over 8 safe pH balancing products that keep the vagina Juicy, Sweet, Clean, Tight and Right.

Yoni is the Sanskrit word for female genitalia. The word Yoni translated means “Sacred Space.” This is a term used to bring more honor and reverence to a woman’s womb and genitalia.
The Importance of the Word Yoni
Is the word Yoni new to you? This word is important for every woman to know. When I refer to a woman’s genitalia or female anatomy I always use the word Yoni.
Because Yoni means “Sacred Space” it’s a word that’s absolutely lovely! And depicts how women should hold their female anatomy… in high regard. It’s neither nasty nor clinical. It sounds normal, natural and most of all the definition of it is honoring to your female genitalia.
This word can be spoken publicly without a negative connotation attached to it, quite the contrary, especially if the meaning is known. I would like to encourage you to use the word Yoni when referring to your female parts. Simply making this one change will help you to honor and love your inner self.
When you use the word Yoni it refers to the whole of your female anatomy. Words are powerful. Using this word helps you to claim the whole your femininity as sacred.